Kevin and zhen tao went for movie, me and clement haven't eat our dinner, so we decided to fill our empty stomach with something new rather than McD or KFC .>>We challenge the food of KAIZER!!! lol...i heard a lot from other people that the food there taste like shit, but after i experienced the food there, i think it was not bad at all, maybe due to my starving stomach..
Tell you all something, DONT ever believe what you see with your eyes! The burger on the poster looks super yummy, but the real thing that come to you afterwards dont look as tasty as the thing you saw in the poster!! F**K the stupid advertisement on the tv too!! everything is the same..>to bluf us!! innocent human like US!!
After our dinner, we spent our time for some window shopping at DP. Something really funny happen ..wakaka..sorry clement to write this out. Me and cle saw a set of casino set game in one of the shop. Cle ask the promoter:" Ini berapa ringgit?" promoter:" 这个卖一百六十九" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH..we dont even dare to look at the promoter and not even come out a voice after that. After we walk out from that shop, i cant stand anymore..cle also the same!!HAHAHAHA...we keep laughing and pushing each other..LOL..WTF..who ask that stupid chinese promoter looks like a malay! if he wanna blame, blame his own
Dat guy wears like malay, looks like malay, open shop next to malay shop. hahahaha.. funny tho. saw his muka busuk after dat also didnt layan us d. enjoy o~~u bad la..tat promoter wil remember u2..
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